Note that the 'protein existence' evidence does not give information on the accuracy or correctness of the sequence(s) displayed.



This section provides any useful information about the protein, mostly biological knowledge.


. Cyclic redundancy and other checksums
In Europe, one manufacturer is using lupin protein isolates in the production of mayonnaise, cheese spreads, yogurt, drinks and ice cream as plant based a dairy alternative. Lupine seed represents an interesting, non-genetically modified, and low cost alternative to soybean as an important source of protein and oil. For CBI information on a disk or CD-ROM that you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the disk or CD-ROM as CBI and then identify electronically within t… Marchesi et al. It is useful for tracking sequence updates.

Lastly, active ingredients from plants, in the form of extracts, for medical and therapeutic products in human and animal health is increasingly being sought after by manufacturing companies. The algorithm is described in the ISO 3309 standard. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The deduced protein sequence of LaPT1 shared high homologies with known flavonoid and isoflavonoid prenyltransferases. Arabella. It provides 12 hour long-term moisture effect. 55263. of multiple genes (paralogs).

Glycerin, Water, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Pectin, Chlorella Vulgaris/Lupinus Albus Protein Ferment. Seeds contain 32 - 40% protein, 8 - 12% oil[160]. The current subsections and their content are listed below:



This subsection of the Sequence section indicates if the canonical sequence displayed by default in the entry is complete or not.



The checksum is a form of redundancy check that is calculated White lupin (Lupinus albus L.), yellow lupin (L. luteus L.) and narrow-leafed lupin (L. angustifolius L.), are native European legumes that represent a significant alternative to soya bean. Just like with field pea, lentil, faba bean, chickpea and dry bean, lupin fits into the category of pulse crops; annual grain legumes that fix nitrogen biologically from the air. Protein isolates from Lupinus albus, Lupinus splendens Rose and Lupinus spp., seeds,were obtained by isoelectric precipitation of its proteins at pH 4.4, 4.8 and 4.1, respectively. The information is filed in different subsections. Keywords summarise the content of a UniProtKB entry and facilitate the search for proteins of interest.



Information which has been generated by the UniProtKB automatic annotation system, without manual validation.

Protein fortification of foods is increasing globally. … It is a GMO-free, BSE-free, CMR-free product which contains no pesticides, mineral oil or heavy metals. Lupin which have had alkaloids bred to lower levels are referred to as “sweet” lupin containing between 0.01% – 0.03% compared to the “bitter” lupin which contain 0.8 – 0.9% alkaloids. It has been demonstrated previously that this antibody cross-reacts with the 100-kD lupin nodule PEPC protein, the 100-kD alfalfa root PEPC protein (Miller et al., 1987), and the lupin root PEPC protein (Johnson et al., 1994). Help pages, FAQs, UniProtKB manual, documents, news archive and Biocuration projects. Unless otherwise specified, the term “lupin” will pertain specifically to ‘L. While L. albus is used in Australia to provide sheep fed with low-grade roughage with protein in form of a whole-grain feed supplement, there are concerns regarding product quality and safety. It lists the nodes as they appear top-down in the taxonomic tree, with the more general grouping listed first.



This subsection of the Names and taxonomy section is present for entries that are part of a proteome, i.e. Lupinus albus (White lupine) (Lupinus termis) Status. Lupin responds well to moderate temperatures and moderate to high (not excessive) evenly consistent moisture throughout the growing season. SHORT COMMUNICATION Genetic Control of Protein Synthesis in White Lupine (Lupinus albus L.) Seeds a b b b V. P. Netsvetaev , I. V. Knyazeva , A. P. Ogulya , and O. lupinus albus protein derived from the seeds of the white lupin, lupinus albus l., leguminosae Supplier Sponsors More specifically, BLAD is a 20 kilodalton (kDa) polypeptide fragment of β-conglutin, a main storage protein in the flowering plant sweet lupin (Lupinus albus). Like all pulse crops as well, lupin is gluten free which will be of enormous benefit to those manufacturers of gluten free products. Automatic assertion inferred from database entriesi,

Information which has been generated by the UniProtKB automatic annotation system, without manual validation.

Upright, pointy, candle-shaped clusters of monochromatic flowers, lupins are an excellent source of protein as well as dietary fiber. It also includes information pertinent to the sequence(s), including length and molecular weight. Technical Datasheet | Supplied by Rahn. These are stable identifiers and should be used to cite UniProtKB entries. Sweet lupin (Lupinus albus), a protein-rich legume devoid of anti-nutritional factors, is considered to have a high potential for protein nutrition in man.Results concerning the nutritional value of lupin protein are, however, conflicting in animals and very scarce in human subjects. In contrast the growth of white lupin (L. albus) is indeterminant, and the plant continues to grow and flower late into the growing season until it is terminated with a harvest aid product such Reglone (diquat). of a set of proteins thought to be expressed by organisms whose genomes have been completely sequenced.



A UniProt proteome can consist of several components.

The component name refers to the genomic component encoding a set of proteins.



This section provides information on sequence similarities with other proteins and the domain(s) present in a protein.



This section displays by default the canonical protein sequence and upon request all isoforms described in the entry. Protein sets from fully sequenced genomes. Be sure to check local climate information as to when the average first fall frost occurs in your area and if earlier adjust the seeding date accordingly. Submitting CBI. These agriculturally important species have been domesticated through breeding efforts; reducing their alkaloid levels, non-shattering pods and increasing soft seeds. This is due to the susceptibility of some lupine cultivars towards Diaporthe toxica.

However UniProtKB may contain entries with identical sequences in case The sequence shown here is derived from an EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ whole genome shotgun (WGS) entry which is preliminary data.

The checksum is computed as the sequence 64-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check value (CRC64) That being said, white lupin (L. albus) can tolerate higher soil pH (up to pH 7.8) and may have potential for seed production under irrigation, but no research has yet been undertaken to confirm this. al., 1987). An edible oil is obtained from the seed[4, 7]. The predicted polypeptide encoded by the La-TubG1 gene possesses between 91 and 95% identity with other higher-plant γ-tubulins. Systems used to automatically annotate proteins with high accuracy: Select one of the options below to target your search: Select item(s) and click on "Add to basket" to create your own collection here (400 entries max),

Information which has been imported from another database using automatic procedures.

Globally there are 280 species of lupin, counting both annual and perennial with wild and domesticated kinds. Although an excessive use of L. albus, or other lupine species, can cause unwanted side-effects, this species seems to be promising to use at least as a feeding supplement. Protein isolates prepared by alkaline solubilization followed by isoelectric precipitation and freeze-drying from six varieties of Lupinus angustifolius (Haags Blaue, Sonate, Probor, Borlu, Boregine, and Boruta) grown in Mexico were evaluated for functional properties: nitrogen solubility, water-holding capacity (WHC), oil holding capacity (OHC), emulsion activity index (EAI), emulsion stability index (ESI), … Protein knowledgebase. Lupin seeds can be an alternative to soybean in all livestock species due to their high content in good quality protein (in the 30-40% range). The reason for replacing traditional fish meal is that lupin has exceptional qualities for fish feed including higher protein content, low levels of anti-nutritional factors (phytic acid, saponins, lectins and trypsin inhibitors), higher phosphorous digestibility and retention and valuable ‘pelleting’ qualities. angustifolius’ in the rest of this article. Its growth is determinant in nature; meaning the plant has a defined number of days that it grows and then matures. Each reviewed entry is assigned a unique entry name upon integration into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.



This subsection of the 'Entry information' section provides one or more accession number(s). Inclusion of the crop’s fractions would be a complement to certain cereal ingredients, balancing their amino acid profile as well as acting as a possible egg substitute in breads, cakes, biscuits, pancake mixtures and pasta, making these foods more nutritious. When it comes to lupin, however, there are a number of plant physiological differences. The aquaculture industries in Australia, Chile and Canada have either already begun using lupin as ingredient in fish rations for salmon or are seriously considering doing so (in order to replace fish meal which is seen as unsustainable.) This fungus causes a possibly fatal intoxication with lupi… with Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that applies since 25 May 2018. Sign up for our newsletter. The crop needs to be seeded no later than May 7 as 120 frost free days would take the crop to September 7 (the average fall frost date across north central Alberta) ideally not being exposed to a fall frost event. Properties and Benefits of Lupins. from the sequence.

This subsection of the Sequence section indicates if the canonical sequence displayed by default in the entry is complete or not.


Sequence statusi: Complete. Accumulates during seed development and is hydrolyzed after germination to provide a carbon and nitrogen source for the developing seedling. Narrow leafed blue lupin is a late maturing crop requiring 110 – 120 frost free days and for this reason it should be the first crop planted on the farm during the spring. an experiment that has been published in the scientific literature, an orthologous protein, a record from another database, etc.

White lupins (Lupinus albus) are the most common and provide the greatest benefits (Gladstones, 1998). White lupin (Lupinus albus L.) is one of the 200 species of lupins, a genus of multipurpose annual legumes grown throughout the world both for their seeds used in feed and food, and for forage.Lupin seeds can be an alternative to soybean in all livestock species due to their high content in good quality protein (in the 30-40% range). They are traditionally eaten as a pickled snack food, primarily in the Mediterranean basin and Latin America.


Malic acid and water-binding … Please consider upgrading,

An evidence describes the source of an annotation, e.g. It is a traditional pulse cultivated in the Mediterranean region. About Lupin Lupin is uniquely high in protein (up to 40%) and dietary fiber (30%) low in fat (6%) and contains minimal starch and therefore has a very low Glycemic Index (GI).In terms of nutritional and health benefits on offer, lupin seed is an attractive ‘GM free’ alternative to soybeans. In the not too distant future, fields of lupin will start to appear in parts of Alberta. Proteomes. Sequence clusters. Likewise, packaged lupin flakes are available commercially for use in salads, dips and vegetarian dishes as a way to increase daily dietary fibre and protein requirements. Automatic assertion according to rulesi, Automatic assertion inferred from database entriesi, Integrated resource of protein families, domains and functional sites, PIRSF; a whole-protein classification database. The version number for both the entry and the canonical sequence are also displayed.



This subsection of the 'Entry information' section indicates whether the entry has been manually annotated and reviewed by UniProtKB curators or not, in other words, if the entry belongs to the Swiss-Prot section of UniProtKB (reviewed) or to the computer-annotated TrEMBL section (unreviewed).



This section contains any relevant information that doesn't fit in any other defined sections


, The European Molecular Biology Laboratory, State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, Lupinus albus (White lupine) (Lupinus termis). Sequence archive. 1. For that reason, soils above pH 7.0 should be avoided. Four distinct tokens exist: 'Name', 'Synonyms', 'Ordered locus names' and 'ORF names'.



This subsection of the Names and taxonomy section provides information on the name(s) of the organism that is the source of the protein sequence.



This subsection of the Names and taxonomy section shows the unique identifier assigned by the NCBI to the source organism of the protein. When it comes to market end uses as a substitute crop or its ingredients, lupin has suitability as a feed and food, as well as having bio-industrial applications. You are using a version of browser that may not display all the features of this website. * Mark Olson, formerly of Alberta Agriculture, led several lupin-focused research projects and continues to be an advocate of the potential of lupin. The Andean lupin L. mutabilis, the Mediterranean Lupinus albus (white lupin), and Lupinus hirsutus are only edible after soaking the seeds for some days in salted water. (2008) studied the hypolipidemic and anti-atherogenic effect of lupin protein isolates (Lupinus albus) in rabbits and reported a significant reduction of cholesterol and a reduction of the risk of developing atherosclerosis. is extremely low.

Chem/IUPAC Name: Chlorella Vulgaris/Lupinus Albus Protein Ferment is the liquid obtained from the fermentation of lupinus albus protein by the Alga, Chlorella vulgaris, Oocystaceae. Inclusion of the protein extract in shampoo and conditioners is found to extend hair colouring. We have isolated a genomic DNA fragment encoding a γ-tubulin in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Even while the irrigated parts of the southern province could possibly manage the crop’s moisture requirements, the soil’s high pH (due to calcium carbonate parental material) negatively affects the nodulation and growth of L. angustifolius. The genus Lupinus typically contains 36-52% protein, 5-20% oil, and 30-40% fiber (Gross et al 1988, Petterson and Mackin-tosh 1994). Another consideration in the irrigation districts is that there is strong competition for acres with crops with higher net returns such as hybrid canola, sugar beet, potato, dry bean, sweet pea, sweet corn, hemp, quinoa and timothy hay for the export market making lupin economically unfeasible for farmers to include in the crop rotation. Lupine seeds differ in lipid content; yellow lupine (Lupinus luteus L.) seeds contain about 6%, white lupine (Lupinus albus L.) 7-14%, and Andean lupine (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) about 20% of lipids by dry mass. In closing, the commercialization of lupin makes a lot sense on many fronts and will be a welcomed addition to the crop rotation in Alberta. They are leguminous seeds with high protein content. The white lupin RNA-Seq transcriptome from O'Rourke, JA et.

Press W.H., Flannery B.P., Teukolsky S.A. and Vetterling W.T.
A point raised in this study was the capacity of intervention of this legume and its protein isolate in the case of hypercholesterolaemia and steatosis of … Brenes, A. Marquat, R.R, Guenter, W. and Rotter B.A. Lupin has a moderately deep, thick tap root (some species have longer tap roots and more lateral roots) compared to many other crop kinds, increasing the crop’s ability to scavenge water and other much needed nutrients. This ‘all-natural’ protein extract has unique functional properties and is being used cosmetically and in personal healthcare formulations. Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you claim to be CBI. Cholesterol-lowering effect of whole lupin (Lupinus albus) seed and its protein isolate Food Chem. While feed no doubt is currently the crop’s single largest use, food uses as an alternative ingredient, especially high protein and fibre, have been developed in Europe and South America.

It should be noted that while, in theory, two different sequences could Lupins have the highest protein content of any grain legume (35–40%) and as such provide a valuable food source for humans and animals (Haq, 1993; Milford and Shield, 1997).



The Gene Ontology (GO) project provides a set of hierarchical controlled vocabulary split into 3 categories:



UniProtKB Keywords constitute a controlled vocabulary with a hierarchical structure. The LaPT1 gene was mainly expressed in roots, a major site for constitutive accumulation of prenylated isoflavones in white lupin. Several species of lupins are grown in temperate agriculture. Depending on the species, the seeds of lupin contain 30 – 40% protein, 25% fibre, 6 – 8% oil and 2% – 6% starch. So, what is a lupin exactly, its area of adaptability in Alberta and potential market end uses? These yellow legume seeds are a part of Lupinus genus. Lupin is fed to dairy cattle in Japan, South Korea, Europe and Australia and the latter (as a whole grain) fed to sheep. A sweet lupin peptide extract is currently being produced from lupin without chemically modifying the protein itself. Seed storage protein. There are mainly 3 types of lupin beans. February 3, 2015 by Marius Lixandru. Numerical recipes in C 2nd ed., pp896-902, Cambridge University Press (1993))


This section provides links to proteins that are similar to the protein sequence(s) described in this entry at different levels of sequence identity thresholds (100%, 90% and 50%) based on their membership in UniProt Reference Clusters (UniRef).



This section is used to point to information related to entries and found in data collections other than UniProtKB.



This section provides general information on the entry.



This subsection of the 'Entry information' section provides a mnemonic identifier for a UniProtKB entry, but it is not a stable identifier. In this study, we compare seed protein, mineral, fiber and starch content, lipid and phenolic profile, and antioxidant properties of three lupine wild species (Lupinus albus, Lupinus luteus, and lupinus angustifolius). Lupinus angustifolius (L.), also known as narrow-leaf lupin (NLL) is a grain legume crop that is gaining recognition as a potential human health food as the grain is high in protein and dietary fibre, gluten-free and low in fat and starch. White lupin ( Lupinus albus L.) is one of the 200 species of lupins, a genus of multipurpose annual legumes grown throughout the world both for their seeds used in feed and food, and for forage. The roasted seeds can be used as a snack in much the same way as peanuts[183]. BLAD is produced by breakdown ofβ-conglutin during day 4 to 12 of the germination process of sweet lupins. Immunoblot analysis was repeated on protein Pickled or canned lupin, as well as using the flour as a substitute for chickpea in hummus, is currently being produced commercially in Canada. ... Lupinus albus L.2043N seed, a low alkaloid (0.009%) line, was Lupin is ‘solid stemmed’ which makes for great standability but may contribute to shatter loss (despite breeding efforts) at harvest if the crop is overripe. Lupin, because of its high protein content, is considered an excellent raw product. Lupinus albus. Alfalfa nodule protein (10 pg) was used as a positive control. When used in larger amounts as a medicine, lupin is POSSIBLY SAFEas long as the toxic alkaloid content is less than 0.02%. Do not submit this information to EPA through or email. Mature, raw Lupinus albus seeds contain per 100 g edible portion: water 10.4 g, energy 1552 kJ (371 kcal), protein 36.2 g, fat 9.7 g, carbohydrate 40.4 g, Ca 176 mg, Mg 198 mg, P 440 mg, Fe 4.4 mg, Zn 4.8 mg, vitamin A 23 IU, thiamin 0.64 mg, riboflavin 0.22 mg, niacin 2.2 mg, vitamin B 6 0.36 mg, folate 355 μg and ascorbic acid 4.8 mg. The mRNA and protein level of lupin γ-tubulin is highly correlated with β-tubulin as well as with the growth rate of the tissue. This species has white flowers with a blue tinge (the wild species, parentage, has blue flowers, hence the name). DNA Data Bank of Japan; a nucleotide sequence database, Database of comparative protein structure models, ProtoNet; Automatic hierarchical classification of proteins, MobiDB: a database of protein disorder and mobility annotations. Acts as a moisturizing active. Lupin is commonly substituted for soybean in the feeding of cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry and farmed fish. The deduced protein sequence of LaPT1 shared high homologies with known flavonoid and isoflavonoid prenyltransferases. Agronomic research in Alberta conducted by the department of Agriculture and Forestry has previously focused on L. angustifolius (narrow leafed, blue, sweet) lupin and in particular cv. Lupin, being a part of the pulse crops family, when consumed may also have positive human health attributes similar to those which is being researched currently in diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome and obesity.

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